After researching and filming my short film I'm nearly at the stage where I will be adding the text messages over the top of my video. This will be an effect added using either premier pro or flash. Probably both. I have started to plan this and researched other films that have used this method. Recently I saw The Fault in Our Stars with a very close friend and noticed the effects used. The messages are exactly as I had planned mine and I really liked the effects used.
Below are example shots of the film with my brief description:
In this picture you can see that the laptop screen has been recorded and cropped then placed over the original video of the actor. The screen recording has a weak opacity meaning it looks like a dream like view and helps to show what the actor is seeing and reading. I really like this idea and may use it in my final piece.
How I will attempt to achieved this effect:
To achieve this I will be filming the screen of a computer (probably using a piece of software) and placing it over the top of the filming of the actor. This will mean they are overlapping. I will then make the screen recoding have a lower opacity to make it visible but not completely apparent. This means the viewer can see through the actors eyes.
How I will attempt to achieved this effect:
To achieve this I will try using Adobe Flash to draw each individual frame with the drawing of the speech bubble, for each frame I will add a single character more and when played tougher it will look like they are appearing in text format. I like the idea of drawing the text messages as they look more simplistic and more effective. Each character could have their own bubble to reflect themselves or their personality. I will hope to use a graphics tablet to draw the bubble straight to the screen instead of having to draw each one then scan them like the producers of The Fault in Our Stars did.
About the Film (from the producers):
The Fault in Our Stars is a film that pops -- literally.
Throughout the film adaptation of John Green's best-selling novel, white boxes with rounded corners and contrasting fonts appear onscreen whenever Shailene Woodley's Hazel Grace Lancaster and Ansel Elgort's Augustus Waters are flirtatiously texting about the books they've recommended to each other. The scene seems familiar not only because of the "young love" feelings that fly between them with every scribbled word, but also because of the visual design to bring their texts to the big screen in a way that's a cross between House of Cards, the Fault fandom and social media platforms.
"We can't have them staring at phones the entire movie," director Josh Boone tells The Hollywood Reporter of his discussion with cinematographer Ben Richardson. "So we looked at House of Cardsand Sherlock, and said, 'We should do something like this, but make it more like a Twitter-Tumblr aesthetic. That was the idea – to make it look like the fan art people had made for the movie, and feel like Tumblr."
"The toughest part of those shots was making sure they communicated what they needed to for the story without being distracting to the scene," says visual effects supervisor Jake Braver, who also worked on Blue Jasmine and the Cannes favorite Foxcatcher. After selecting pieces as inspiration for mockups alongside production designer Molly Hughes and meeting with Boone and producers Wyck Godfrey and Isaac Klausner, the final shots were executed by a company called Spontaneous. "We needed to find a way to see what Hazel and Gus were feeling as they read and typed the messages … I couldn’t imagine having handled the emails and texts in any other way."
Boone jokes that "there's more effect shots in this movie than the original Star Wars … getting rid of wires, mic pops, stabilizing camera," and more. But a major scene required that a cannula be added in postproduction: "The very first shot of the love scene -- it's a close-up of Shai, and she didn't have a cannula on because it was later in the scene, but we really wanted that look in her eyes, so Jake put a cannula on her. We didn't think it would work, and he did and it was beautiful."
When did you know Fault would feature Hazel and Gus' texts and emails onscreen directly?
Until about halfway through prep, Josh and I had planned on the computer screens and text messages being shot pretty conventionally, by cutting to a phone screen or computer. But the more we thought about it, we got to talking about how the focus is Hazel and Gus, and we needed to find a way to see what Hazel and Gus were feeling as they read and typed the messages. This scene was a lot of fun, because it's a whole conversation between Hazel and Gus where there is no dialogue, aside from the messages that are displayed onscreen.
How were the shots of the texts produced?
We went kind of old-school, actually -- each frame of each text message was hand-drawn and written on vellum, scanned, then animated and tracked, and digitally composited onto the footage. I felt like it was really important to ground those shots by making them feel handmade. I couldn’t imagine having handled the emails and texts in any other way.
[Regarding the hardware's screens], a lot of movies fake the way phones and emails look, and it was very important to us to be 100 percent authentic about that. Hazel and Gus have iPhones and they actually look and act like iPhones.
Boone noted that Hazel's cannula in some shots of her love scene is composed from visual effects.
While editing, Josh and his editor Robb Sullivan found this amazing close-up of Shailene from later in the scene when she had taken off her cannula, and she is looking at Gus, but they wanted to use it right at the beginning of the scene. So we added a computer-generated cannula -- it was a bit tricky to add, only because it was a close-up of Shai's face, and the cuts right before it and after it were of her with the real cannula, so it had match perfectly. Hopefully, it's seamless.
What are some other VFX adds that fans can spot?
There are almost 350 VFX shots in the movie, and on a movie like this, it's my job to make sure they are invisible. Hopefully, those moments feel organic enough that no one is thinking "How did they do that?"
The scene when Hazel and Gus are on the plane departing for Amsterdam -- it's nearly impossible to shoot on a real airplane, so we added the background outside the windows, and for the exterior of the takeoff, we added the actual Indianapolis Airport terminal in the background of the shot. That's not something anyone would notice on a first viewing, but we tried to add little things like that for the fans where we could.